Open Day

Our 2024 Tasmanian Wedding Open Day is almost here

Mark your diaries and fasten your seat belts—our 2024 Tasmanian Wedding Open Day is almost here! Withers Co. is going above and beyond to offer an experience that’s unlike anything you've seen before. This is your exclusive invitation to explore Tasmania’s wedding elite in a way that’s as immersive as it is inspiring. Forget the mainland; the island state is where you’ll find the best in the business.

Imagine strolling through meticulously curated mock wedding setups that showcase Tasmania's diverse regions. From the historic charm of Hobart to the coastal elegance of Freycinet and the rugged allure of Cradle Mountain, each setup will make you feel like you're in a different corner of our enchanting state. As you wander, indulge in some of Tasmania's finest food and wine, take in live performances, and even engage in hands-on workshops to bring your wedding vision to life.

The best part? You’ll get face-to-face time with the talented people who make it all happen. Think of this as an all-access pass to your dream Tasmanian wedding. Get to know the photographers who capture the island’s unique light, the chefs who forage local produce for your feast, and the planners who can pull off a seamless event in any of Tasmania’s varied landscapes.

Don't miss your chance to visualise, plan, and genuinely experience what could be the most extraordinary day of your life. Trust us, if you're considering tying the knot in Tasmania—or encouraging others to—this is one event that’s too good to miss.